"Anggi Gida Lake, Arfak Mountains Regency - West Papua Province"dok.Rekam Nusantara
The 12th International Flora Malesiana Symposium
The 1st International Nature-based Climate Solutions Conference
Manokwari, West Papua Province, Indonesia
21–26 July 2025
The 12th Flora Malesiana Symposium will be held from 21–26 July, 2025, in Manokwari, West Papua Province, Indonesia. Papua is the western part of the island of New Guinea, one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. The Flora Malesiana Symposium will be held jointly with the 1st International Nature-based Climate Solutions Conference, where participants will discuss and explore the latest research on the flora of New Guinea and the wider Malesian region, as well as the crucial role of biodiversity for climate solutions and community welfare.
The importance of the plant biodiversity in Malesia, and its contributions to halting climate change and supporting community well-being. The main themes are:
· Plant diversity, people prosperity, and climate resilience
· Nature-based climate solutions
· Cooperation in field research and capacity building
· Sustainable funding and priority plant conservation areas in Papua
"Lake Anggi Giji, Arfak Mountains, West Papua Province, Indonesia" (dok.brida_mediapapuabarat)
Time and Place
The 12th Flora Malesiana Symposium will be held in Manokwari, Indonesia, 21–26 July 2025. The venue is the West Papua Governor Office building in Manokwari.
The organisers expect the participation of up to 450 botanists, ecologists, conservationists, government agency staff and other stakeholders from Malesia (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Timor-Leste) as well as from Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, UK, United States of America and other nations worldwide. Keynote lectures will be delivered by national and provincial government staff, renowned scientists, and conservation leaders. Talks and workshops will be conducted in English.
"Aerial view of lowland forest in Malagufuk, Southwest Papua" (Tim Laman)
Fee and Registration
The registration fee is US$300 for international participant, US$100 for international students, US$200 for participants from Indonesia and Southeast Asian countries, and US$50 for Papuan residents. The fee will cover meals during the symposium and pre-symposium events. The registration does not cover costs for accommodation, local transportation, or field trips.
More details about the registration, pre- and post-symposium events, and deadlines for submitting talk and poster abstract will be announced soon.
If you have any questions, please contact The 12th Flora Malesiana Symposium Organizing Committee by email (fms2025.papuabarat@gmail.com) or phone/WhatsApp (+62 852-5158-3899).